Monday, March 19, 2012

Popcorn chicken casserole

I will be away from my computer for a few weeks on a fun girls trip to England to visit my parent who are serving a mission for our church over there. So while I am away I decided to have a sister weeks or two and have my wonderful sister's submit some of there recipe they like to cook. Here is the first one. This comes from my sister Sheri. It looks good and way simple. I can't wait to try it when I get around to cooking again.

Popcorn Chicken Casserole

popcorn chicken

spaghetti sauce

grated mozzarella cheese

Italian seasoning

In a casserole dish put down a layer of popcorn chicken, then pour spaghetti sauce on top. Then spread grated cheese on top and the sprinkle Italian seasoning on top. Cook at 350 until hot and bubbly. You can either eat it just like this or serve over pasta.

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