Monday, August 22, 2011

Crock-pot Creamy Chicken Taco's

First I just wanted to give a big THANKS to my sister-in-law Alison for the last post I am excited to give that recipe a try soon. The past month I went on vacation to my mom's house (drove 15 hours one way with my two kids by myself), found a new place to live in a different state with my hubby while I left my kids with my mom, then picked up the kids and drove back home to get ready to move, deep cleaned my old house, move to the new state and unpack and deep clean this house. I think I am finally settled for the time being so be prepared for some great recipes coming up. And I am finally going to give those recipe a try that people submitted when I did the give away a month and half ago. Right after I did that give away is when my life exploded and I have never recovered until now.

Now onto this recipe. I know a month or so ago I posted a recipe for chicken taco's. I came across this recipe below and decide to try it and see the difference. The recipes are similar in some ways. This recipe has a little more ingredients in it. My husband and I decide that this recipe is creamier than the other one. If you tried the last one, then give this one a try and let me know what your thoughts are. Now for the recipe.

Crock-pot Creamy Chicken Taco's
2 or 3 chicken breast frozen
1 c. salsa
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 1/4 Tbsp. Taco Seasoning
1/2 Tbsp. Maple syrup (trust me it will be ok to add this, that is what I thought too)
1/2 tsp. lime juice
1 Tbsp. butter
1/2 c. sour cream

Spray crock-pot with cooking spray. Then put in chicken. Then in a bowl add salsa, cream of chicken, taco seasoning, maple syrup, lime juice. Mix all together and pour over chicken. Cook on low for 5 hours. Then take out chicken and cut up until shredded then put back in crock-pot. Then put in butter and sour cream and mix it all together. Then put lid back on and cook for 1 more hour. Serve in tortilla with sour cream, lettuce, tomato, cheese and whatever else your heart desires.

1 comment:

  1. I am going to try these tonight for the missionaries :)
