Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Banana Bread

This recipe comes from one of my friends, Emily. She makes the best food ever. Every time she drops off a treat or made me dinner once it is always so good. I am always asking her for the recipes. I think she gets sick of me because of this reason.

Emily's Banana Bread

3/4 c. butter melted
3 c. sugar
3 eggs
6 banana smashed
1/2 tsp. salt
4 1/2 c. flour
2 tsp. cinnamon
1 Tbsp. baking soda
1 16 oz sour cream
2 tsp. vanilla

In big mixing bowl combine butter and sugar and mix. Then add eggs and mix, then add banana and mix. Then add salt, flour, cinnamon. Mix together good. Then add soda, sour cream and vanilla and mix.

Coat 3 or 4 bread pan with cooking spray. Then in a separate bowl mix 1/4 c. sugar, 1 tsp cinnamon together. Add a little bit of this mixture to bottom of pans to coat the bottom and side of each pan. Save a little of the sugar/cinnamon mixture to be sprinkled on the top.

Once you have coated the pans with the cinnamon mixture then pour the banana mixture evenly into the pans. Then sprinkle the rest of cinnamon mixture over the top of the banana mixture.

Cook at 300 degree's for 1 hour.

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