Thursday, March 1, 2012

Mom's Lemon Poppy Seed Cake

Today marks the one year anniversary of this blog. I can't believe it has been a year. This post below is my very first one. I thought I would share it with all of you since maybe you didn't see it because of it being the first and all. Thanks for all the support I continue to get for this blog. I love to share my recipe and hope that they are making someone life easier.

I owe all of my cook ability to my mom. I still call her and ask her cooking questions all the time. So what a good way to start off my first post on my cooking blog and dedicate it to the person who taught me everything about cooking. This cake is so delicious. I have very fond memories growing up of my mom making this cake and taking it to people in town for their birthdays. And I still try and carry this tradition on today. Growing up, I always complained how come we never get just a poppy seed cake for our family. You always bake it and take it to someone else. And now my husband says the same thing to me every time I make one. Maybe one of these days I will make one just for us.

Mom's Lemon Poppy Seed Cake

1 box Lemon or Yellow cake mix
1 box of Lemon Instand Pudding
4 tbls. Poppy Seed

Mix the dry ingredients together then add
1 cups of water
1/2 cup of oil
4 eggs

Beat it together and then pour into a greased bunt pan.
Bake for 40 mins at 350 degree

After it comes out of oven let cool in pan for 15 mins then turn over and get out of pan. Let cool completely.


1 cups of powdered sugar
2 or 3 Tbls. of lemon juice.
(should be a thick frosting but not to thick)
Pour over top of cake like pictured above.

Now go and bake one and take one to a friend for her birthday!! Or better yet, bake one for your family!

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