Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Dutch Oven Potatoes & Chicken

Don't have a picture of this recipe but it was really good and I totally forgot to take a picture of it.

Dutch Oven Potatoes & Chicken
 Note: This recipe can make as much or as little as you want. 

1 package of bacon
Chicken cubed
potatoes cubed (red potatoes taste better, but  regular work too)
carrot (or baby carrots work too)
onion, cubed

Cut bacon in chunks, saute in dutch oven. Once cooked take out and put in chicken in bacon grease and cook until chicken is cooked. Salt and pepper chicken while cooking.

Once chicken is done put back in bacon.  Add potatoes, carrots and onion.

Then in sauce pan on stove bring to boil 2 cups of water and 3 bouillon cubes.  Then add 2 can of cream of chicken soup and 1/2 c. sour cream.  Then add some nature seasoning. Mix all together and bring to a boil. 

Pour this sauce over the ingredients in dutch oven and stir until all vegetables are covered in sauce.  Put lid on and cook for 1 hour. Cook with 12 briquets on bottom and 14 on top.  Do not stir it while cooking.

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