Friday, July 22, 2011

Shepard's Pie

My friend Abby emailed me this recipe the other day. I have heard of Shepard's pie and had it a few times growing up. But was never a big fan of it. I decide maybe since I have grown up that maybe my taste buds had changed. And I think they have. I tried this recipe and liked it.

Shepard's Pie
4 potatoes
1 lb ground beef
1 onion chopped
2 cans of tomato soup
1 can of green beans drained, (I used a can of corn instead)
1 c. shredded cheddar cheese

Peel and cube potatoes and add to a boiling pot of water with some salt. Boil until soften and then drain water off. Then put in a bowl with 1/4 c. butter and 1/4 c. milk and mash. Set aside.

In skillet brown ground beef with onion. Once done add tomato soup and salt and pepper, garlic salt. Add as much as you want of seasoning. Then bring to a boil. Cook for a few minutes. Then pour into a 9x13 casserole pan. Try and keep beef mixture in the center of pan. You will then put the mash potatoes in a ring round the ground beef pan. Don't not cover the ground beef. Then sprinkle cheese on top. Cook at 350 for 30 minutes uncovered.

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