Thursday, April 5, 2012

Cooking Tips

I want to give a big thanks my wonderful sister's for submitting some recipe for me to blog about while I was away. I had tons of fun on my trip! To close out the sister weeks I wanted to end with some cooking tips my sister Sheri told me about that makes cooking easier for her.

I have a few time saving tips I like to do - When I cook ground beef I cook up a lot at the same time then freeze in small bags the amount I would need for another meal. Then all I have to do is grab that bag and throw it in the microwave for a few seconds. Also I do this with Chicken I get a big bag and cook it in the crockpot all day then shred it, then freeze. In the crockpot I make sure the chicken is covered with water and add bouillon cubes like 2 or 3 and cook on high for at least 6 hours then it shreds really nice.

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